Welcome to Baroni Estate Planning & Elder Law
At the Baroni Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm we create comprehensive lifetime and estate plans, which accomplish our clients goals, such as: protecting assets from the skyrocketing cost of long term care, providing detailed instructions during a person’s lifetime regarding disability and control of their property, and protecting beneficiaries by carefully and thoughtfully structuring the transfer of assets upon death.
We focus on providing personalized planning for every person or family that we work with no matter what stage of life our client is in.
We work with our clients to accomplish Medicaid Planning when a loved one needs skilled nursing care. We develop comprehensive plans for our families that want to protect their life savings from creditors and predators. We plan with younger families to name guardians (backup parents) to care for a minor child in the absence of the natural parents. We plan with families and individuals with special needs to provide the highest possible quality of life. We guide those supporting a loved one who has become disabled. We help families through probate and estate administration when a loved one passes away.
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Baroni Law
13 E. Central Avenue
Paoli, PA 19301
New Rule May Make It Harder for Medicare Beneficiaries to Receive Home Care
/0 Comments/in Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts, Veterans' Benefits /by Greg BaroniIt may become harder for Medicare beneficiaries to find home health care due to a new rule. Although the rule changes the way home health care providers are reimbursed, it could affect patient care as well.
Making a will to appoint a Guardian for your children
/0 Comments/in Guardianship, Wills /by Greg BaroniMy wife and I had our first child 4 years ago. A few months before she was born, I think we spent about 3 hours in babies r us, and probably 10 or more hours online and in books studying up on the safest carseat for her. If you’re a parent, then I assume you […]
Inspections and Contingencies Under The Pennsylvania Standard Agreement for the Sale of Real Estate
/0 Comments/in Real Estate /by Greg BaroniIf you’ve bought a home, or are buying a home, you may have seen the “Standard Agreement For The Sale Of Real Estate” being used by the Pennsylvania Association of Realtors. Including the “Notices” sections of the form, it exceeds 20 pages of small print. Some of the most important provisions of that form are […]
What is a Franchise?
/0 Comments/in Franchise /by Greg BaroniThere are numerous state law definitions of what is legally considered a franchise. The Federal Trade Commission has yet another definition. You don’t need to know those unless perhaps you are a franchise lawyer. For simplicity’s sake, let’s use this definition: A franchise is a business relationship between a corporation that owns an identified brand […]