Welcome to Baroni Estate Planning & Elder Law
At the Baroni Estate Planning and Elder Law Firm we create comprehensive lifetime and estate plans, which accomplish our clients goals, such as: protecting assets from the skyrocketing cost of long term care, providing detailed instructions during a person’s lifetime regarding disability and control of their property, and protecting beneficiaries by carefully and thoughtfully structuring the transfer of assets upon death.
We focus on providing personalized planning for every person or family that we work with no matter what stage of life our client is in.
We work with our clients to accomplish Medicaid Planning when a loved one needs skilled nursing care. We develop comprehensive plans for our families that want to protect their life savings from creditors and predators. We plan with younger families to name guardians (backup parents) to care for a minor child in the absence of the natural parents. We plan with families and individuals with special needs to provide the highest possible quality of life. We guide those supporting a loved one who has become disabled. We help families through probate and estate administration when a loved one passes away.
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United States
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Why you can’t find a doctor who specializes in caring for older adults, and what to do if you need healthcare services for an elder.
/0 Comments/in Caregiving, Elder Law, Guardianship /by Greg BaroniGeriatricians, doctors that specialize in caring for older adults, are in short supply and the numbers are only going down. The importance of geriatricians, why you need one: The Problem – Why you can’t find a geriatrician. There are currently 55 million Americans over the age of 65. The fastest growing age group in the […]
Understanding the Common Types of Trusts
/0 Comments/in Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts, Veterans' Benefits /by Greg BaroniThere are a number of different kinds of trusts, but they fall into two basic categories: testamentary and inter vivos.
How to Divide Up Personal Possessions Without Dividing the Family
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Greg BaroniAllocating your personal possessions can be one of the most difficult tasks when creating an estate plan. To avoid family feuds after you are gone, it is important to have a plan and make your wishes clear.
Will Electronic Wills Be the New Normal?
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Greg BaroniMore and more transactions are done digitally, but estate planning has lagged behind technology. That may be changing, though. Even before the coronavirus pandemic made social distancing necessary, electronic wills were gaining legitimacy.
Single? You Still Need an Estate Plan
/0 Comments/in Uncategorized /by Greg BaroniMany people incorrectly believe that if they are single, they don’t need a will or other estate planning documents.
Medicare Open Enrollment Starts October 15: Is It Time to Change Plans?
/0 Comments/in Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts, Veterans' Benefits /by Greg BaroniMedicare’s Open Enrollment Period, during which you can freely enroll in or switch plans, runs from October 15 to December 7. Now is the time to start shopping around to see whether your current choices are still the best ones for you.